Phoenix Channels In A Google Chrome Extension
Phoenix Channels are awesome! With this out of the way let’s get down to business.
I switched from a combination of Ruby on Rails, and Faye on NodeJS to Elixir/Phoenix. Phoenix’s Channels javascript is conveniently integrated right from the start in every Phoenix project. You just use it. But I needed it in a Google Chrome Extension and I did not found a stand-alone javascript version.
I dug for the original javascript and found it in PROJECT_PATH/deps/phoenix/web/static/js/phoenix.js
in the form of ECMAScript 6.
Now Phoenix handles ES6 very elegantly via Brunch, but in my Chrome Extension project I use CoffeeScript and sometimes plain Javascript.
So I took the ES6 file and converted it to Javascript. I tried different online transpilers and in the end went with Babel.
I wrote a publish-subscribe-client to connect to the server and handle the channels and the subscribe, publish, and unsubscribe actions:
class PubsubClient
constructor: (host, signedToken)->
# host is something like
# signedToken is retrieved by a previous api call from the Phoenix backend
# Socket comes from the transpiled phoenix.js
@socket = new Socket(@_connectionPath(host), params: {signedToken: signedToken})
@channels = {}
subscribe: (channel, receivers, next)->
# receivers look something like this:
# {
# 'some:event': (msg)-> console.log(msg)
# 'some:other_event': (msg)-> console.log(msg)
# ...
# }
@channels[channel] ||=
_.each receivers, (receiver, topic)=>
@channels[channel].on(topic, (data)->
console.debug "message #{topic} received on #{channel}"
.receive('error', (resp)->
console.error "An error occured on joining '#{channel}'", resp
.receive('ok', ->
console.debug "Successfully joined #{channel}"
publish: (channel, topic, data = {}, next = ->)->
@channels[channel] ||=, {})
.push(topic, data)
.receive('ok', next)
unsubscribe: (channel, next)->
if @channels[channel]?
.receive('ok', (data)=>
@channels[channel] = null
_connectionPath: (host)->
There is a lot of room for improvements here. For one the passed follow-up function in form of the next
-parameters should be replaced with promises.
But that’s a problem for future me.